Podcast Episode 19. You need to be brave and a bit terrified at the same time when it comes to building independence skills, according to Robyn in the second part of her son’s story. The key is to not underestimate our children and what they can do, but you will always struggle with your own fears when letting them be more independent.
Robyn offers some practical insights into how they have taught Riley travel skills, relying on the mobile phone as the crutch on which he leans so he can go off on his own while still having support available if he needs it. These initial short journeys with purpose have provided him with growing confidence to venture farther away from home.
Robyn also talks about how friendships remain a challenge for Riley, as they do for many children with additional needs. It is Riley, though, who provides us with a genuinely enlightened way of looking at the fact he is yet to find the friendships he desires. According to him, it’s because he hasn’t yet found his wolf pack.
Robyn reminds us that to be brave is also to be terrified but still having the courage to do it anyway. She reminds us also as that as parents we need to let go of our children (albeit slowly and reluctantly) regardless of any additional need so that one day they will be able to let go of us when the time is right for them. Don’t ever confuse slow with never, everything takes the time it takes.
Show Notes
[1.30] – How the mobile phone helps facilitate independence
[2.10] – Never underestimate your child and always stretch them where you can
[3.25] – Your only a phone call away
[4.20] – Building travel skills
[7.00] – Finding your wolf pack
[8.10] – Maybe it’s a boy thing
[11.00] – A glimpse into the future
[12.50] – What would you tell yourself if you could go back in time?
[13.50] – Slow does not mean never ‘He can swing”
[15.00] – Brave doesn’t mean not being frightened
Key Takeaways
Be brave and let go