Podcast Episode 06. Sibling relationships are never easy, especially if one sibling has additional needs. This week I talk to Julie, a mother of 2 children, about her experiences and the challenges. She talks about the tactics she uses to make family life work for everyone and her ideas for creating a sibling bond through shared activities. She also explains why she believes it’s important to manage family expectations when it comes to being a carer for a sibling with additional needs once parents are no longer around. If your children are struggling with being a sibling, then Julie has some ideas that might resonate with you and your family dynamics.

Show Notes

[.35]     – All about Julie and her family
[1.20]   – Sibling relationships and trying to manage it
[2.30]   – Trying to create empathy between siblings
[4.20]   – Managing expectations about responsibilities towards your siblings
[6.15]   – How social situations can cause friction between siblings
[8.00]   – What is a normal sibling relationship?
[10.00] – The benefits of having a sibling in helping develop social skills
[11.00] – What the future sibling relationship might be like
[11.45] – How socialising at home helps build the sibling relationship
[12.30] – Bringing siblings closer thorough shared projects or tasks

Key Takeaways
Sibling rivalry is normal
Find projects or tasks sibling can work on together
Reassure siblings that while they are not expected to be responsible for their sibling they do have responsibilities as a sibling.


Useful Resources
Sibs – For brothers and sisters
Sibling Issues
Siblings Australia
Sibling Leadership Network